Goal : To offer need based continuing education programmes

Goal Statement:

➤ Continuing Education programmes will be organized to improve easy accessibility for lifelong learning opportunities. The Programmes will be offered to the industries, staff, students and community of all groups in the needed areas using the resources available in the institution or by hiring the resources.


➤ To organize need based continuing education programs for students

Continuing education manager shall prepare an annual program and budget and present to the SPIC for an approval by the month of February of every year. The continuing education cell shall function as an autonomous body based on the policy guidelines given by the SICU.

➤ To impart need based training to community/industry.

The continuing education manager shall approach the external agency. MOU shall be signed and get approval from SPCU. The continuing education manager shall organize programmes as per the schedule.

➤ To conduct on – line education for continuing education suitable programs.

The continuing education programmes assessment shall be online examination system.