Dr. Dharmambal Government Polytechnic College for Women, Tharamani – 600 113. is an institution providing technical education and training to women at post secondary level. It also offers continuing education and non-formal courses to adults including people with physical disability. Adopting a committed philosophy of life-long learning through variety of delivery modes, it aspires to include the granting a degrees while striving to develop into a Centre for Excellence of Women.

The Institution seeks to accomplish the mission by:

Offering quality engineering and non engineering diploma and post diploma programs including total quality system, health care and entrepreneurial studies along with concern for the environment.

  • ➤ Using an autonomously developed competency based curriculum in a dynamic learning environment.
  • ➤ Responding to the changing needs of industries and the community utilizing up-to-date resources.
  • ➤ Committed leadership and continuous professional process, developing the total personality and critical thinking skills of women.
  • Believing in accessibility, equity, innovation and high ethical and moral standards


➤ To be a well recognized centre of excellence for Entrepreneurship Development based Quality learning and Skill Development